A New Beginning...

The start of the Joe and Kamala Era (courtesy of Joe Biden’s Instragram)

There’s a sense of relief within me today. We get to start something new.

Today we have a chance to create a more effective and accountable government. That is what America has lacked sorely these last four years.

Having spent some time working as a public servant, I think of the government in a completely different way than most Americans. To me, the government is nothing more than the way we as a society have agreed to make decisions for the greater good and divvy up resources. It’s a shared responsibility between the people, the elected and chosen officials, the federal workers hired to execute, and the chosen justices that are selected to hold everyone accountable.

What we have lacked in American politics is accountability.

I, Duane, personally do not care about decency. You can be nice while doing harm or an ineffective nice person. Both are bad. I do care deeply about accountability. When you do harm or are ineffective, what are the repercussions? At every level, we should disincentivize bad behavior through accountability. As I said before, there is no democracy without justice and there is no justice without accountability.

To President Joe and Vice President Kamala, the task at hand is dire. The people need a better path forward. We have a great opportunity to do some good in this nation for generations to come.

Let’s wield this power wisely to make lasting change.

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