The Business of Life

"The business of life is the acquisition of memories. In the end, that’s all there is."

-- Carson, Downton Abby, S4E4

Even if you have multiple lives, you only get to do this one once.

When you're sitting around in your golden years, the things you'll hold on to most is the stories you can tell and the memories they bring up.

Every day, we can choose to maximize our experiences. To me, living life to the fullest isn't a call to be reckless. It's simply doing the things today that you'll want to tell stories about later.

Savings will never replace memories. Invest in experiences the same way you would your 401k. Pour into them now consistently to reap the benefits of them later.

Reminder: For many things in life, you really do only get one shot at them. Also, you can't go back and experience some things the same as you get older (e.g. you're not hiking the Appalachian trail at 90, clubbing in your 20s is much different than your 40s,  etc.).

Here's some things you can do today to acquire some new memories:

  1. Give yourself the gift of a photoshoot. Get some glamorous pictures of yourself. You deserve to see and remember yourself at your best.
  2. Do something local. Go to that restaurant you always wanted to try. Take a tour of your city. Visit a local landmark you've heard about but still haven't done. Whatever it is, let it be something new to you that you have been putting off.
  3. Take a class on something that interests you. Try a baking class. Get the piano lessons you had always wanted. Get a coach to help you with your golf swing. Do something that is strictly for you and tied to your curiosity rather than a goal.


To show that I practice what I preach – here's one of my favorite pictures from a photoshoot I did several years back. It still makes me smile to this day (and makes me want to workout lol).

Life is all about creating good memories, do that for yourself today and every day moving forward 🧮.

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