The Best Way to Spend Your Time Flying

Midday Thought

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Flying is a means to an end.

It’s not quite like a road trip when you get to at least take in the sights of the open road. It’s pretty much just takeoff and landing and lots of clouds in between when it comes to the sights.

The benefit of flying is that you have a set amount of uninterrupted time until you reach your destination.

I submit to you that the best way to spend this time is not reading, catching up on movies, listening to podcasts, or worst of all, working. That would be too obvious.

The absolutely best way to spend your time flying is to organize the photos on your phone.

Don’t leave yet. Hear me out.

Here are the three reasons you should spend your flying time organizing photos:

Delete the Gunk

When was the last time you actually when through your photos app? If you did you’ll notice two things:

  1. It’s always hard to find that one photo you’re thinking of when you need it
  2. It’s filled with terrible or duplicate photos

Many of us have 7 pictures of our partners, families, or ourselves in a row because we were trying to get the right pose and lighting for the perfect shot (as you should because a good photographer never leaves well enough alone).

This gunks up the storage space on the phone with so many unnecessary photos.

Tell Better Stories

Also, usually when you try to tell a story about that trip you just took, you end up spending most of your time flipping through duplicates and bad photos.

Taking a moment to put your photos into albums that help you tell better stories about your memories is time well spent. You’ll be amazed at how much this makes you want to share that story even more with others. Even better, you’ll finally be able to find that one photo you wanted when it comes to mind.

Relive old memories

The last reason to spend your time in the sky organizing photos is that it is a nice way relive some great memories. You’ll trigger some fun memories of nights out, special occasions, and time with family members that will get that dopamine active. We too often forget to take a trip down memory lane. Going through your photos app will help you do that.

In my experience, you’ll never go wrong with organizing photos while flying. It’s the best time to do it because it’s highly unlikely you’ll find time to do it otherwise.

And you’ll free up some extra storage space which is never a bad thing.

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