(Saturday)'s Too Good Not To Share: March 20, 2021

I would be remiss to not touch on the wave of violence against the Asian community, especially the events in Atlanta. As I’ve said before and I’ll say again, racism and xenophobia are stupid. It’s the dumbest way that ego deals with the disappointment of self.


Better days are ahead. Not because we wish it to be, but because we’ll make it so.

On to the newsletter…

Every Friday, I share other great content (with some added context) to dive into over the weekend.

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Six Threads Better Than a College Degree

When used properly, Twitter is one of the best places to get and share knowledge. The beauty is in how it forces simplicity on what could be complex.

James Baird is doing is part to help the world by aggregating six Twitter threads that contain some of the best thinking on, well, everything. Topics covered in the six threads:

  1. How to Get Rich
  2. First Principles Thinking
  3. High Agency
  4. Becoming a Better Note Taker
  5. Build Once, Sell Twice
  6. Building Habits

Behind the Back-Office Blunder That Cost Citigroup $500 Million

This is a $500 million lesson in UX/UI design. Imagine you were in charge of sending a $7.8 million dollar transaction and you accidentally sent nearly $1 billion to the wrong people instead.


Bloomberg does a deep dive on how this happened to Citigroup and more importantly why doing good business with good people matters.

Ars Technica dives into the UI that caused this error, and it’s very easy to see how this mistake was made.

The subcontractor thought that checking the "principal" checkbox and entering the number of a Citibank wash account would ensure that the principal payment would stay at Citibank. He was wrong. To prevent payment of the principal, the subcontractor actually needed to set the "front" and "fund" fields to the wash account as well as "principal." The subcontractor didn't do that.

Read the full Bloomberg article to get all of the details or look at Ars Technica for the run down of the UI.

3 Ideas From (James Clear)

I really love the ways James Clear thinks and writes. In his recent excellent 3-2-1 newsletter, he dropped three gems that were too good not to share here in their entirety.


"New goals don't deliver new results. New lifestyles do.

And a lifestyle is a process, not an outcome.

For this reason, your energy should go into building better habits, not chasing better results."

(Share this on Twitter)​


"Some things are better off ignored than attacked.

Attention is the oxygen of conflict. When you fight a problem, you breathe life into it. When you starve a problem of your attention, you suffocate it.

In a surprising number of cases, the way to solve a problem is to ignore it."


"The events of your past are fixed. The meaning of your past is not.

The influence of every experience in your life is determined by the meaning you assign to it.

Assign a more useful meaning to your past and it becomes easier to take a more useful action in the present."

Leave today better than yesterday ✌️.

Weekend vibes:

It’s spring, so let’s revisit some feel good music from the early-2000’s.

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