My Desired Superpowers

Flying? Regeneration? Reading minds? Super strength? When you think of superpowers, these are the common ones that people tend to desire for themselves.

Not me.

Here’s my list of the perfectly reasonable, less obvious superpowers I desire to dramatically improve my day-to-day life.

  1. The ability to get out of bed as soon as my alarm goes off.
  2. The power to regulate the ambient temperature around myself and others at will to make it cold enough for me but warm enough for them.
  3. My keys and wallet would appear in my hands every time I pose like Usain Bolt.
  4. The ability to heat any oven to a desired temperature instantly.
  5. Cardboard boxes vanish after I take out whatever was delivered to me.
  6. Any pan within 50 feet of me would truly become non-stick no matter what was cooked or baked on them.
  7. Instantly and no matter the water temperature, I could steep tea perfectly.
  8. Every time I toostie roll, all of the dust in my vicinity would disappear.
  9. When I open the door to go in and out of the house, no bugs could sneak past me to get inside.
  10. Instantly ripen bananas and hold them at that state for a week.

I’m not asking for much. Let’s hope one of these powers manifests itself soon.

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