What does my perfect day look like?

Today, a peer coach asked me a truly thought-provoking question, “What does your perfect day look like?”

Another way of thinking of this question is, “What is the perfect way to spend my time?”

After a long diatribe, I came up with the following framework:

Simply put, I want to do the following three things every single day of my life:

  1. Solve my own problems vs. other people’s problems
  2. Cultivate relationships
  3. Share perspective (see what I did there)

The more days I have like this, the better.

Too much of our time is spent solving other people’s problems versus our own. Ideally, I’d wake up, think to myself, “What is the most important problem you want to solve today?” and just do that (Editor’s note: I have no idea how to properly punctuate that last sentence — it sounded good in my head though. Help needed).

Secondly, I want to cultivate relationships with other people. This includes my wife, family, friends, colleagues, contacts, and new people. One of the most human things you can do is connect with another human. This includes having conversations, doing things together to create new experiences, problem solving, and building things together.

Lastly, I want to spend more of my time sharing my perspective and experiences with others. The best way to learn is to teach. The best way to have better ideas is to run your current ones through the crucible of other people’s minds. Sharing is caring and as a bonus, it helps cultivate better relationships.

This is a framework that works for me based on my lived experiences and values.

Everyone should also take some time to ask themselves the very same the question, “What does my perfect day look like?”

The answers you come up with will, without a doubt, help you focus on making your each and every day a bit better.

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