Thought Exercise: Trillion-Dollar Thinking

What would you do with a trillion dollars?

What would you do with a trillion dollars?

One trillion dollars is an absurd amount of resources. The best way to understand the true scale of a trillion dollars is to compare it to another known sum.

Let’s compare the numbers a thousand, a million, and a trillion in terms of seconds.

  • One thousand seconds would be about 17 minutes
  • One million seconds would be about 12 days
  • One billion seconds would be about 32 years
  • One trillion seconds would be about 32,000 years

That’s the difference at each scale.

Thought Exercise

As a thought exercise, consider what would be the most good you could do with given resources starting with $1 million and multiplying each denomination by 10 until you get to $1 trillion dollars.

When you think of impact, think of what is important to you and what would last the longest amount of time.

The denominations to consider are:

  • $1 million
  • $10 million
  • $100 million
  • $1 billion
  • $10 billion
  • $100 billion
  • $1 trillion

There is no right or wrong here. The hope is that this exercise helps reveal some of your priorities as you increasingly think at a grander scale and a much longer time horizon.

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