The Best Way to Complain

"The best way to complain is to make things."

— James Murphy, LCD Soundsystem

When you’re fed up with something, do something about it. Otherwise drop it.

There is no need to hang on to that negative energy if you aren’t going to do anything to address it. The best way to deal with frustration is to create a side project.

This way of thinking is cannon in the design industry but it should be more broadly applied everywhere. You have the power to create change. You do not have to live with your frustrations.

When complaining though making, create something that solely satisfies your desires. Do not make something for someone else, make something that lives up to your own standards first, and then share it more broadly.

Tina Roth Eisenberg did this with Creative Mornings, a breakfast lecture series for creatives to get together in a more accessible way. This side project is now a monthly event that happens in 216 cities and 67 countries around the world. She wasn’t alone frustration obviously.

Right now I’m working on a side project because of my frustration with the lack of funding for Black entrepreneurs. Not enough of us who have the means are making investments in the founding teams of early-stage startups. My side projects to address this are Greenwood Venture Partners where we help Black accredited investors learn about early-stage startup investing and The Black Exchange where we build community around Black entrepreneurs and investors.

The beauty of complaining in this way is that it makes you the solution for your frustrations. And who doesn’t want to be the hero of their own story?

“Stop critiquing, start creating.”

- Simon King

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