So, What Now?

It is a new day for America. So where do we go from here?

Personally, the hypocrisy of the last four years have been hard for me to stomach. It’ll be worse moving forward as some of the same bad actors will try to play the morality card they conveniently forgot or discarded under the past administration.

The best thing we can do is ignore them and do the work. Never let them distract us from doing the work.

For the things we as a country can agree on, let’s make sure those things get done swiftly. For the things we cannot, we’ll just forge ahead and make it better for everyone anyway.

Here are the four pillars of the Biden-Harris Administration, pulled from their transition site

  • COVID-19. Getting the pandemic under control is priority number one.
  • Economic Recovery. We’re in a tenuous economic condition. It’ll be important to build back better in a way that prioritizes the middle class.
  • Racial Equity. Let’s hold them to their words written here, “The moment has come for our nation to deal with systemic racism. To deal with the growing economic inequality in our nation. And to deal with the denial of the promise of this nation — to so many.”
  • Climate Change. Their goal is to create union jobs by tackling climate action. This will be the key driver of the America economy for the next 50 years if done right.

To help them make these plans a reality, we cannot fall asleep at the wheel as we did after 2008.

There are a few important things that you’ll need to consider moving forward:

  • Vote (and encourage others to do the same). Especially in Georgia for the Senate runoff elections in January. Especially in midterms in 2022. And especially in every election moving forward. It’s the lowest lift and easiest way to make a difference. Make sure your friends show up to the polls also. Right now in 2020, it is critical to give the Democrats control of the Senate to ensure these things can more forward swiftly without too much friction. Moving forward, vote however you feel but show up to the polls consistently so that way our agenda will always been a priority on the ballot across both parties.
  • Start a business. This is going to be the best environment for you to start that business you were always thinking about. Job creators are the most valuable people in America society. It’s a great responsibility but a noble one that everyone who has ambition should pursue. It is the best way to have sustained influence in how our politics are shaped for the long haul. You’ll also get to influence what is happening on the community level by being a successful and sustained business owner.
  • Prioritize your health. This is a long fight and we’re going to need everyone at their best. If we want America to continue to make long-term investments in our communities, we’ll need to be around for a long time to ensure it happens. Also, COVID-19 is still real, let’s not forget about that.

Read their full plan at Build Back Better or follow on twitter for updates (@transition46).

Wanna feel better? Just watch these speeches below and I know you’ll have restored faith in America afterwards.

Here’s VP-elect Kamala “the first but not the last” Harris –

Listen to President-elect Joe “running up ramps” Biden’s speech –

We can always use more truth telling from Chappelle –

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