Passing Along Good Info + Study Group

I find some of the best content on Twitter and today was no different. One of my favorite people @patrick_oshag asked his followers about the Most Influential Essays They Have Ever Read, the Most Interesting Business Essay They’ve Ever Read, and the Best Explainer Videos They Have Ever Seen.

Then one his followers Kalani Scarrott compiled the answers because the internet is a beautiful place.

The pieces I can personally recommend are:

What I also realized going through this list is that I’ve missed SOOOOOO much good content that can help expand the way I think. I plan to go through every piece of content on this list, starting with the essays and ending with the videos.

Want to join my study group? If so, email me at

I plan to read one article and write a brief summary of the key ideas 3 times a week. Each Tuesday starting July 21st, I’ll set aside 30 minutes to discuss the big ideas with others from 8-8:30 pm EST.

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