On The Subject Of Fulfillment

“Seize the opportunity, believe and take control of it. Then get on your marathon and grind it ’til it’s over with.” - Nipsey Hussle

We are running on our own marathons in this thing called life, constantly searching and probing for this mythical creature called fulfillment.

We think that once we finally capture this creature all of our life’s problems will go away and the puzzle pieces of our issues will neatly fall into place.

We, collectively, have been thinking about fulfillment wrong.

We imagine ourselves as this bucket, empty, waiting to be filled with “fulfillment.” We have viewed fulfillment as something that is (1) apart from us that comes from an external source and (2) something that needs to be poured into us in order to feel whole.

It’s time to shift this mindset. True fulfillment (1) comes from you and (2) is something that you pour into other things or people.

Fulfillment is internal: it is not apart from you, it is of you. It is not that your fulfillment bucket is empty, it’s that your bucket is full of stale water that has just been sitting.

It’s time to empty the bucket and pour it out so that you may fill it back up from your own internal stream.

As you begin to fill your bucket back up from your internal source, discover new ways to pour it into something. We are all craftsmen by birth. Build and execute on something using your own hands and ingenuity. Continue to do this cycle of following your curiosities and building new things will help you find fulfillment.

Also, when you tire of building a certain thing, you can choose to start building something new. What you pour into does not have to be permanent. To find fulfillment, you just need to keep pouring.

True fulfillment comes from building and as you continue to build, you’ll realize that you are transforming yourself and the community around you at the same time.

Empty out that bucket. Pour into something new.

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