Monday Motivation: 9.25.23 - The Dear [Duane], Card

What messages do you need to say to yourself more?

Words are powerful. They help us visualize the life we want and shape the stories we tell ourselves, which have a unique way of becoming real.

To embed these messages in my psyche, I created a "Dear Duane," card.

It's simple and I think you'll benefit from it too. First, figure out what messages you need to say to yourself more and write those messages on an index card. Once written down, post that card somewhere that you can look at it every day (the bathroom mirror is usually a great choice).

That's it.

Here's my card with some details on why those messages made the list below:

  • Empty the tank every day. Coach Prime reminded me that there's no need to save energy for the next day. That's why we sleep, to restore ourselves.
  • Do your genius. Share your genius. It's a reminder to spend more time doing the things I'm truly gifted at and sharing that gift with others. Why shade your light from the world when it's needed?
  • Say no to good things so you can yes to more great things. A simple reminder to leave space in your days/weeks/months to do the things you truly love.
  • Do what works. There's no need to contort myself trying to find new and novel ways to get results when they've been studied and researched by others more dedicated than me. It's not a good use of time, just do what works.
  • Look to delegate first. Follow up to follow through. This is a reminder to myself that it's ok to seek help. Realize that everyone has a different gift which can help me do more than my own individual capabilities. This takes trust and follow-up, but both of those are doable things.
  • Only buy what you are committed to using next. I heard Sam Corcos discuss books on the Tim Ferriss podcast. He shares a vice with me: owning many more books than we've actually read. To address this, he only buys a book when he's committed to reading it immediately. He adds any other desired books to his wishlist for future consideration. This approach not only curbs consumerism but also reduces the accumulation of unused items at home.

Hope this helps.

I'd also love to see your version of a Dear [Duane], card if you're open to sharing.

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