Monday Motivation: 5.29.23

An excerpt from my book -

Who am I?
Who am I to write this book? To share my words? To share my creation? To speak on the light that lives within? I am no expert. No academic. No scholar. No divine figure. No religious leader.
Who am I to share my work?
What have I done to deserve the right to speak to others? To share with others? To expose my thoughts to others? To present something to be critiqued by others?
What have I seen? What have I achieved? What gives me the right to create and share and say, "Look at this"?
The nerve, the ego, the unremitted gall of me. Or the hope, the observations, the selflessness of me. Me, just a person talking to his calling and sharing that conversation not knowing what others may make of it.
Who am I?
Just dust under the stars. A speck. A random calculation. A happenstance. An anomaly on this little blue rock at this specific point in time.
Yet, I am.
I am here. Breathing, moving, alive.
Living. Aware. Creating.
We all have a right, a calling, and a mandate to make and create things that moves us simply because they move us.
Sharing those creations is how we honor that gift. It also gives others permission to honor theirs.

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