Limited Time

This year has felt like a never-ending series of tasks.

This thing needs to be done, and after that we gotta finish this. Oh, and the thing that was blocked we can move forward with but we have to do it right now because we'll be blocked again in two days if not. Sidenote, the thing that was going  smoothly, it's now on fire. And so on...

It can be exhausting. But it doesn't have to be.

Why? Because even when you have to deal with b.s., it's still something you get to do. You don't have to do anything. Everything you get to do has reason and purpose.

Here's a simple three-step prioritization framework that I've come up with to help you manage a list of tasks based on what you get to do:

  1. First priority: Do the things that will relieve the most stress in your life.
  2. Second priority: Take care of the tasks that reinforce your identity.
  3. Third priority: Everything else.

Life is about balancing your stress levels and reinforcing your identity. Think about it, if you're low stress and showing up as you intended, then you're going to be pretty happy with everything going on around you.

What stresses you out will change depending on the scenario, but you should always prioritize reducing stress whenever possible. It has tremendous short-term and long-term benefits.

Also, when I say identity, I'm not talking about who you are today. I'm referring to who you want to see yourself as in the best possible version of your future. Identity doesn't have to be just one thing. You can be a caring friend, a hard worker, and an athlete among other things. Just be sure you are consciously choosing an identity and not staying on autopilot.

Once the tasks that fit into the first two priorities are done, do anything else that made it on your To Do list.

It's a simple framework, but it's been working for me so far.

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