Just a quick thought about yesterday

You can call yesterday many things but what the mob that breached the Capitol was really aiming for it got – a photo-op.

It reminded me a lot of the Bible/boarded up church photoshoot the 45th president did this past June. A lot of chaos just to take a picture. But to what end?

The bigger question we all should be asking ourselves is who allowed this photo-op to happen and what do they hope to gain?

To be frank, you cannot breach a session of Congress without a number of key people making way for it to happen. Our security controls and protocols are much better than that and we spend $1T on it for a reason.

So as we all wait to see what happens next and what new information is revealed, I’ll give you a little preview of what is on the horizon.

A new administration is taking the reigns and some extremely competent people are coming back into public service. Things will get better. Not because it will just happen. But because we will all work to make it so.

We will  also see if people can move past words and actually provide accountability for bad behavior. We’re literally watching a toddler throw a tantrum in the middle of the store and have our eyes locked in on the parents.

Right now, we are not being good stewards of our democracy nor living up to the standards we hold so so so many other countries to. We can choose to lead or we can choose to whimper.

All I can say, is that in the words of Casey Gerald, there will be no miracles here. Only the work remains.

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