I'm in a Competition with Duane Rollins

I know you thought you were gonna get a “you vs. you” post, but this is not that.

I’m literally in a competition with another Duane Rollins from the 24th Minute.

What are we competing over? Google search results.

Nothing makes me happier than seeing him come up as second result whenever you google “Duane Rollins.” It’s a gentle reminder to him that there’s another, better, balder, more bearded version of him in America completely dominating his accomplishments.

Seriously though, he’s my white, Canadian doppelgänger and it freaks me out.

Duane Rollins | Vocal Minority

He’s crushing me on Twitter though. He has 10.4k followers to my 739. He also has a daily podcast and a Substack too (copycat).

But it doesn’t matter… he’s still comes in second place to my LinkedIn on a Google search so suck it other Duane Rollins.

(Sadly, he’s winning on Bing and DuckDuckGo, but who cares… nobody uses them)

My (not so secret now) goal in life is to push him and the other Duane Rollins(es) (or is it Rollinsi — never had to to do the plural version of my last name) so far down that they only only show up on the second page of any search result (that goes for you too, Council Member Duane Rollins).

There’s a multi-versal war going and only one of us can win. I hope they are ready to being on the second page of Google.

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