I Woke Up to T-Pain Disrespect and I Wasn't Happy

My deep appreciation for the genius that is T-Pain is not new. So I was hot mad when I saw this clip on Twitter:

I’m ready to fight Usher.

The nerve of him to say that T-Pain ruined music for real singers due to his use of Auto-Tune is beyond me. I will accept nothing less than a public apology and it better be loud enough for everyone in the back to hear it also.

With that being said, the clip is from a new documentary series on Netflix called, “This is Pop.” Episode 2 dives into Auto-Tune where they rightfully give T-Pain the flowers he deserves for being one of the greatest musical innovators of our time.

It’s a great watch so check it out.

P.S. No streaming of Usher’s music until he gives a formal apology. We shall not stand for any T-Pain slander, ever.

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