How to Gain Your Green Thumb

To plants, I was Jack the Ripper.

They would shrivel at the thought of me. It wasn’t that I wasn’t trying. It was because I was trying too hard.

I made all of the classic mistakes like overwatering, not being mindful of sunlight, and just getting the wrong plants for my home.

It’s safe to say that I’m reformed from my previous ways now. I’m the proud dad of nine, thriving plants today. I still have sent some to the afterlife during this transition, but at a much lower clip.

Here’s how I did it - I got an app and I follow it. I use Planta to help me stay on track with plant care and picked up some good tips along the way.

Here are the 4 steps to gaining your green thumb:

  1. Plant planning is important. Every plant won’t thrive in your home due to the amount of light you offer. Choose plants based on what you type of light you have access to. Some light shade, some like bright light, and some just don’t care. What is important is that you are being thoughtful about what plants you place where in your home.
  2. Always water a little less than you think you should. You’re more likely to overwater a plant than underwater it. When it doubt, use a little less water than you think. Also, make sure your pots have drainage holes so excess water can escape.
  3. Avoid putting your plants near vents. We almost lost Clifford, our rubber plant, because he was too close to an air vent. We couldn’t figure out why he wasn’t thriving for a while. But then we moved him back 6 inches from the vent and now he’s sprouting new leaves every three weeks.
  4. If your plants aren’t thriving, change the scenery for them. Plants have personalities and sometimes moving them around your home can do wonders for them. Bruno, our croton, was on the brink of death and has since sprung back to life after we changed his location to another room.

If you do these 4 steps, along with following an app of your choosing, you too can end your time as a plant killer.

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