How to Be a Bad Person (Part 1)

Do you want to suck at life?

In this ongoing series, I’ll provide a framework for how to do just that. This is a guide on how to be insufferable and I’m going to walk you through the tactics.

Step 1: Have a strong opinion about things you know little about and don’t care to research.

Facts? Why bother? Just believe your opinions that have been shaped by your personal experiences are objective. Also, when confronted with a situation that makes you uncomfortable or you don’t agree with, just try to end the argument by telling people that this is how you feel as if it makes your point accurate. There is no need to research and understand the situation from multiple perspectives. Even better, use a religious argument that you have never read, never understood in context, or that you don’t personally apply to your life to justify your opinion. In addition, only repeat what you have heard other people say on the topic that you agree with. It does not matter if their points have any merit or if they have been shown to be false. Just repeat and point to them anyway when confronted. Lastly, don’t ever change your mind in light of new evidence. Please be very public about this too and let everyone you know, every chance you get, that you do, in fact, have something to say on this topic that they need to hear.

Remedy for Step 1:

“I never allow myself to have an opinion on anything that I don’t know the other side’s argument better than they do.”
Charlie Munger

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