Hidden iOS 14 Features

Sorry Android users. This post is not for you.

But for those of us who are #TeamApple, iOS 14 brings forward some new features that make the iPhone even better. I’ll point out three features you should really take advantage of today.

App Icon Customization

First off, I’m loving my new home screen (artwork courtesy of Jeff Manning).

Using the ‘Shortcuts’ app, you can create custom app icons.

See the full instructions here.

(Note: To reduce the transition from shortcuts to the app, go to Settings → Accessibility → Motion, and enable the Reduce Motion toggle. This will provide a smoother transition when launching apps.)

(Note #2: Yes, I have a shortcut to call and text the wife - it’s so much easier than opening either app.)

Back Tap

Custom Commands - Navigate to Settings > Accessibility > Touch > Back Tap and you can set quick access commands for when you double or triple tap the back of your iPhone. Almost any command is available, from quick navigation shortcuts to opening Siri or the Notification Center, taking a screenshot, changing the volume, muting or locking the phone and many more. It’s great and even works with a case. (Source: Forbes)

I use the double tap back to take a screenshot – game-changer!

Pin Your Favorite iMessagers

Got a particular person or group you talk with the most in iMessage? You can now pin up to nine of them at the top of iMessage. Click the ‘Edit’ menu at top of iMessage, select Edit Pins. Click the yellow pin icon next to the person or group you want to access the most. This also works with groups that include Android/SMS messages in a group. (Source: PC Mag)

iOS 14 How to pin text messages on iPhone walkthrough 1

Photo via 9to5 Mac

There are even more features to unpack, especially security features like password recommendations, in iOS 14. Forbes has a good list of them if you want to learn more (source).

Hope these three tips help!

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