GEW Day 3: Reaching the Summit

No one in the world has created more hyperlinks than me this week lol.

But alas, we push on to Day 3 of Global Entrepreneurship Week.

This has been a great, wild ride to help bring GEW together, but I’m looking forward to the end. We’re exactly at the mid-point of the week and there is light at the end of the tunnel for me!

There are still some incredible events coming up and I hope many more people get to enjoy them. The talks, workshops, and presentations have been wonderful so far and my only regret is that I still have work items to take care of instead of being able to sit in on all of them.

No tears for Duane though. My work stuff is super fun. I’m helping wrap up our accelerator program by hosting the last content session today and supporting the investor showcase tomorrow evening. We have 15 ventures from 3(!) different countries in the program this year and they are building some incredible businesses. I tip my hat to entrepreneurs because they are the people that consistently make things happen daily.

Let’s just say that this weekend will be for sleep lol.

Come out and join me at one of the events this week and be sure to give feedback!

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Key Events Today:

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