GEW: Day 2 - Lessons in Event Planning

Kicking off Global Entrepreneurship Week DC was so much fun yesterday that I’m coming back for more on Day 2!

Event planning is hard work. You have to sell people on a vision, get them committed, schedule them into the week, and then promote, promote, promote.

Even after all of that, you still need everyone shows up on time for the event, make sure there are no tech issues, and hope that the actual content presented is actually worth the time of those who showed up.

It’s safe to say I’m pooped from event planning.

But my energy is refreshed by the support of the community and learning so much from the journey of others. I attended a talk yesterday with Victor Hwang of Right to Start and left really motivated.

The premise of the organization is that America is based on civil liberties like the right to free speech, expression, religion etc. but one that is not mentioned is the Right to Start enterprises. The America idea is that if you have an idea and are enterprising, you have the right to start a business and go after that opportunity.

I’m a big believer in the power of entrepreneurship in how it transforms people and communities. Just remember that everyone here has the right to start your enterprise, to chase your dreams, and to pursue your goals.

It’s yours for the taking.

Register to attend other great events at

I’m is hosting a panel today at 2 pm EST if you want to hear some inspiring stories from social entrepreneurs!

Here’s the #GEW2020 DC Agenda for Today and Tomorrow:

Key Events Today:

Upcoming Events on Wednesday:

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