Friday's Too Good Not to Share: 5.26.23

Every Friday, I share other great content (with some added context) to dive into over the weekend. These could be articles, podcasts, videos, Twitter threads, or other great newsletters.

In short, these are the most interesting of the interesting stuff I've come across.

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Jim Dethmer: The Pillars of Integrity [The Knowledge Project Ep. #161]

Jim Dethmer is a leadership coach and founder of the Conscious Leadership Group. In this sitdown with Shane Parrish, he dives deep into the 4 Pillars of Integrity: radical responsibility, feel your feelings, candor, and impeccable agreements.

He also has a helpful and new (to me) perspective on discipline vs devotion. Discipline takes willpower, devotion is what you wholeheartedly offer.

Listen/watch here: YouTube | Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Transcript

The Great Wave by Hokusai: Great Art Explained

I love art. I like looking at it. I like the way it makes me feel. I like what it says about us as humans (when done well).

A lot of things about the art world can seem pretentious and stodgy but I've found one go-to source on YouTube to help cut through the fluff: Great Art Explained.

They make high art approachable and provide context. One of my favorite episodes is the deep dive into Hokusai's Great Wave. You've probably seen this piece (or something influenced by this piece) in some shape or form dozens of times but may not have understood its origins.

This 15-minute video is here to help. Enjoy!

Watch the full video here. [15 mins]

RIP Tina Turner

She will be missed.

Leave today better than yesterday ✌️.

Song of the weekend:

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