Be Like Tinia

About Re-Nuble

How long are you willing to pursue your dreams?

Can you continue on through setbacks and disappointment? Can you overcome doubt, that faceless monster that tells you stop?

Tinia can.

I met her 15 years ago during my time at Virginia Tech (Go Hokies!). She’s somebody that I can truly say has been dope since day one.

She was the first person I knew who started a company before starting a company was cool. She had this idea, scratch that, she had this calling to help the world become more sustainable (again, before this was en vogue) by converting food waste into hydroponic nutrients. Her company is called Re-Nuble.

She started this journey nine years ago and I remember when she was grinding away working out of a co-working space in DC. She was on this uphill battle to get people to understand exactly what she was doing and why this mattered. Over the years I’ve seen her keep at it by taking her passion to New York and forging new partnerships and creating new opportunities to keep her dream alive. It wasn’t glamorous, but it was inspiring to everyone who saw the journey.

Tinia fought year after year for Re-Nuble.

And what was her reward? She just closed on a $1.1 million seed round - nine years after she started.

Nine. Freaking. Years. Nine years of no’s. Nine years of fits and starts. Nine years of doubt. Nine years of pure will and determination to bring something to life because she believed it should be done when everyone else was fine with the status quo.

Don’t ever give up on your dreams.

Be like Tinia. Congrats my friend!

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