Are you managing your time or your energy?

For managing time, you have calendars, clocks, and alarms but what tools are you using to manage your energy?

How are you filling up your tank?

Here are five non-obvious ways to manage your energy.

  1. Make a list of 5 people who have been on your mind and then call them. One aspect of low energy comes from unresolved issues in your relationships. Take a moment to resolve them.
  2. Forget the To Do list and adopt a Must Do list. The Must Do list is one item a day that you must do in order to feel accomplished. The secret is that it can only ever be 1 item. In this way, you separate out the important from the urgent. You can do many things in the day, just make sure you take of your Must Do first.
  3. Workout. It’s counter intuitive but working out GIVES you energy. Make it a daily practice and adopt a routine that you actually enjoy.
  4. Calendar in Me time weekly. Block off some hours for you to just do you every week. It can be specific things you do during that block or it can just be something you decide on the spot during that time slot.
  5. Take time to reflect via writing/journaling or talking with someone (writing is best though). These moments of reflection allow you to evaluate your energy and dive deeper into your ‘why’. Reflection is also a form of accountability where you are taking stock on how your intentions match up to your actions.

In short, manage your energy, not your time.

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