
I started out this year with some ambitious goals and I need your help to reach them.

By stating them publicly and equipping those around me with accountability tools, it increases my odds of reaching them tenfold (non-scientific number).

I can't let myself down, nor you.

Here's the two things I'm going after this year and how you can help me:

Publishing a book.

This year I am going to create one of my favorite types of books - something that is less than 150 pages long but packed with so much wisdom that it stands the test of time, shapes the way people live their lives for centuries to come, and is so relatable that it gets translated into several languages. Yeah, my ambition isn't small, but the world will not be moved by small ambition.

The working title of the book is How to Be a Good Person. I've been developing a perspective (no pun intended) based on my lived experience and the countless books, articles, and videos I've ingested over the years (no less than 1000). Here's the gist: I've worked with dozens of large, social good organizations, hundreds of impact-driven founders, and am one of the most well-adjusted, self-aware people that I know (bold claim). I know about doing good within, doing good with your actions, and building organizations to do good so I want to share some of those lessons learned and make it actionable for others. We'll see how it shapes up when I start putting pen to paper (or rather, fingers to keyboard).

How to hold me accountable:

  • Check-in periodically to ask how the book is coming along
  • Offer pointed feedback on early drafts
  • Shoot me over some topics you think I should cover

Lose 30 lbs (and keep it off).

I'm the worst type of overweight right now. I'm not really big enough to be considered a cool big boy, but there's enough of a gut to where tucking in my shirt makes me look like a middle school substitute teacher (no disrespect to middle school substitute teachers but I had to paint a picture).

What is also true is that my daughter deserves dope pics with her daddy while she's young and she needs to see me work for it. Memories matter. I refuse to only do neck up only pics or search for good angles. I also want to beat her in every race until she develops world-class speed.

The pandemic, stress, and a general lack of focus got the best of me. That's ok. The coolest thing in the world to do is to overcome and overcome I shall.

How to hold me accountable:

  • Visit to go on long walks or bike rides together
  • Send me your favorite healthy recipes (or just cook them and send them my way)
  • Text encouragement

That's what I'm going after and how you can help.

Now, how can I help keep you accountable to your goals this year?

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