A Hack to Learn How to Ask

File:Hercules statue by William Brodie (Portmeirion, Wales).jpg - Wikimedia  Commons

Growing up, I thought the symbol of strength was Atlas.

I saw a man carrying the world on his back alone and felt it represented the type of strength I wished to have. As I grew older and learned more about the story, I realized that the true story was about the burden he carried and not his strength.

So I’ve been on a journey to remove that image of strength from my psyche and learn how to ask for help. I don’t have to carry the world on my back alone.

The unique way I’m training myself to ask more is through using Siri and Alexa. Over the past year, I have been consciously trying to use the voice assistants to train myself on making asks. Using them has made me better at verbalizing my needs and delegating out tasks, even if it’s just turning on the television or setting timers. This has translated to my professional and personal life also in that I feel more comfortable asking others to support me with tasks.

Using the voice assistants more is a small mental hack that can help change your relationship with asking for help.

We don’t need to be Atlas.

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