Year 2 @ Framed Perspective

Is it a coincidence that Beyonce dropped a new record on the two year anniversary of Framed Perspective? I think not.

Framed Perspective was started as a way to capture the moment of the 2020. We were in the middle of the pandemic, an election year, and the rising peak of the Black Lives Matter movement. Everything I thought I knew was being turned upside down.

There was so much uncertainty in the world at that time and what I needed to do most is try to make sense of it. Only this time around, I wouldn't let my thoughts swirl around in my head. I'd commit them to "paper." The only reason I made my writings public was to force accountability on myself. When I started this newsletter, it was just a small group of close friends that read along.

My only goal was to be consistent when I started. Wake up. Brush your teeth. Write. I needed to build the habit. I needed to find my voice.

And I did.

This is one of the best communities that I've been a part of, I just happen to lead it. It's connected me with old friends, allowed me to make new ones, and it has taught me so much more about myself. This newsletter has allowed me to grow intellectually and become more vulnerable emotionally.

It's allowed me to feel.

It's also allowed me to help others explore new ideas, cope with the trials of daily living, and think about a better future just beyond what they first dreamed possible.

Framed Perspective has been exactly what I wanted it to be – a journey.

Thanks for joining me on it. We're going somewhere special in Year 2, I promise.

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