(Tuesday) Motivation: 5.31.22

"Make glorious, amazing mistakes." - Neil Gaiman

You will fall short. It is inevitable.

Mistakes can be glorious or amazing though when you're trying something new in an attempt to better yourself. Glorious mistakes aren't missteps in a process you've done before. There's no amazing in that. Amazing mistakes are when you are pushing to go beyond to a place you've never been trying something you haven't done before.

You aren't being reckless though. You're trying to get somewhere and you've calculated the risk of a new approach.

It doesn't always work out though (thus it's a risk). That's ok. Those are the types of mistakes you want to make. Those are the mistakes that can be glorious and amazing. You learn from those and build resolve.

Whatever it is you to today, push yourself out of your comfort zone.

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