The Meaning of Success

Uncle Shay Shay recently made an appearance on the Kelce brothers' show, New Heights, where he shared his thoughts on football, life, and everything in between.

His answer to the question, "What advice would you give to your rookie self?" almost brought a tear to my eye. You could tell that it came from a deep place after many years of reflection.

Here are his words (edited for clarity):

"From the time that I made it, everything was about football. I ate, slept, breathed, and talked football. I was terrible at a lot of things except football.
I was terrible at being a brother. I was terrible at being a son. I was terrible at being a father. I was terrible at being a boyfriend. I was terrible at all of those things but I was a damn good football player.
[...] And so, I would say [to my rookie self,] Shannon, everything that you've accomplished, doesn't mean anything because you don't have anybody to share it with."

Don't let chasing success rob you of the true riches of life - the relationships you build and the memories you make with others.

Those are what truly matters when it's all said and done.

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