The Gap Between Knowledge and Execution

The Gap Between Knowledge and Execution
Photo by Farnoosh Abdollahi / Unsplash

Jay-Z never disappoints.

He recently sat down with Kevin Hart for an in-depth interview (over wine) for the series Hart to Heart.

The premise of the show is simple. Kevin Hart interviews illustrious people while serving them amazing wine from his wine cellar. The viral moment with regards to Don Cheadle's age came from this same series also.

Back to Jay-Z.

In his interview, he breaks down the difference between knowledge and execution. It is one thing to know how to do something. It's another thing to do it. [Clip that starts at 22:00 mark of the full video]

The gap, as he puts it, between knowledge (knowing how to do something) vs. execution (actually doing it) is much greater apart than people realize. It works both ways too. You can have knowledge but not be able to do and be able to do without knowledge.

Anyway, the full interview is worth your time. Jay-Z touches on everything from his experience with fatherhood to recasting his own childhood through the eyes of his father. It's pretty great stuff and worth the 50 minutes of your life.

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