Monday Motivation: 9.12.22

How do we honor our worth beyond what we can produce?

I saw this question in the Building Utopia deck and as someone that loves to produce, this really got me thinking. Creation and execution are my love languages, but productivity culture, the mindset that you are only worth what you produce, can be toxic.

When immersed in productivity culture, you interalize that more is always better. It can cause a state of always feeling  inferior due to not producing enough.  You also may overlook people who appear to produce less (or slower) than others.  

Being productive all the time discards the human experience. I'm positive that when you review your most memorable moments in life, they are be dominated by non-productive experiences. Travel, great food, laughs with friends, or time with family aren't "productive" but they add richness to this journey we're on. You need planned moments of non-productivity too, otherwise, you burn out and end up miserable to everyone around you.

Give yourself some grace today. You are more than what you produce.

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