Monday Motivation: 7.18.22

I woke up this morning with good intentions to write. Our newborn had other plans for me lol.

She also taught me a lesson in the process.

Right now, everything about my life has changed, particularly so many of the routines I've established to be productive. As I started to beat myself up about this, I realized that she doesn't care one lick that I missed my schedule. In fact, she doesn't care what I produce at all. She's just happy to see me when she's up (or when she needs a diaper change).

That's an important reminder that we are not a set of routines. What we are, are a series of adjustments in an ever-changing life.

I'll adjust my routine to whatever it needs to be to help me keep the values I hold dearly. For the next few weeks, attempting to write before 8 am will be a fools errand. Some days it'll happen, some days it won't. It's ok.

I value writing, I value sharing, I value the time I spend trying to make sense of these swirling thoughts, and I also value those late night moments when it's just me and my daughter. I'll adjust my routines to maximize all of those things and figure out what works.

The goal is not to hold on to my past routines, but to hold onto my values as life changes around me. So today, you get a 6 pm post. The next time I write, it may come out at 5 am. Regardless of what's thrown at me, I'll adjust.

Now, let me take this nap before night duty starts. 🧮

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