Friday's The Switch Up

Usually, on Fridays I like to share articles/videos from around the web that were truly interesting to me and worth your time. I'll still do an abbreviated version of that, but I wanted to take some time out this morning to just write.

My computer is filled with drafts - half-baked ideas, concepts, or frameworks that didn't quite land during my writing process. The drafts lacked clarity therefore they lacked value in my eyes.

But is this true?

Day to day, I operate in an environment where clarity and precision are king. When you work with smart people who are the best of the best in the industry, the job demands it.

But life doesn't.

It actually requires you to live in the messy middle. It requires you to question, to be curious, and to have thoughts that you may not be able to answer. These open questions that you wrestle with mentally are what allow you to explore.

Here's some open questions and concepts I've been wrestling with lately:

  • What is expertise?
  • What makes a good movie title?
  • How can I take more credit for what I've done without letting the praise get to my ego?
  • What caused me to believe that preparation is cheating when I was younger? The thought that if you don't freestyle off the top of your head, in the moment, in all things, it somehow counts less.
  • Why do I feel like if I really enjoy my happiness, it'll cause something bad to happen? Won't bad things happen anyway? Is there really a need to limit happiness in the moment?
  • How can I create a simple life for myself that still will make me financially free?
  • Who's the worst Russell right now: Westbrook or Wilson?  
  • What songs can I put on my daughter's playlist that represent rap but is not filled with cursing, misogyny, or hypersexual?

That's what been on my mind as of late. I just needed to get that out and hit publish.

Some things to checkout this weekend:

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