Friday's Too Good Not to Share: 8.5.22

Every Friday, I share other great content (with some added context) to dive into over the weekend. These could be articles, podcasts, videos, Twitter threads, or other great newsletters.

In short, these are the most interesting of the interesting stuff I've come across.

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5 reasons to hold on to old silica gel packets

You know those little packets you get in all of your products to keep them dry? Don't throw them away so quickly. They can be reused for some important stuff around the house like:

  1. Keeping paper goods free from moisture (think important docs or old photos)
  2. Reviving electronics (works better than rice)
  3. Keeps metals from rusting or tarnishing (think of your tools and jewelry)
  4. Dry out travel gear (ever tried to travel with a wet bathing suit?)
  5. Preserve clothing (think of those holiday sweaters you wear once season per year)

Learn more about how they work and other uses for them here.

Why Saudi Arabia Is Building a Linear City

This is a truly exciting project. Saudi Arabia is trying to create something we've never really seen - a linear city in the middle of the desert.

This is hard, maybe even impossible, work to bring this to life. Many challenges lay ahead but I hope they get this done.

Watch this video [15 mins] to learn about the project and challenges they're going to face.

Working women, over 50, rediscover jumping double Dutch

Work hard and get ahead. It’s the American way.

But for a group of Black professional women, the workday ends with play.

“We are ready,” Jackie Coats says. “Double Dutch!”

The 58-year-old times her leap, then, jumps between two ropes spinning opposite directions at Central Park in Brooklyn Park.

“Go, grandma!” De’Vonna Pittman, another jumper, cheers.

This small, weekly, gathering of working women is a throwback to the childhoods of the participants, when jump roping double Dutch was a key social component of their growing up years.

This story was heartwarming. It's good to know that you never get too old for play. It's something I want to bring back into my daily life.

Read the full story here. (Spotted via Nice News)

Leave today better than yesterday ✌️.

🍼 Parent Corner (lessons from raising a small human) 🍼

My daughter has her priorities set. Goal 1: eat. Goal 2: get changed. Everything else is optional. She has no problem asking for help to get what she needs and if she's not getting it in a reasonable timeframe, she's persistent about it.

Us adults, on the other hand, will need something but refuse to ask for help. Even worse, we hide our true feelings about these needs.

I'm learning a lot from her about seeking help and being persistent about it.

Make your needs known today.

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