Friday's Too Good Not to Share: 6.30.23

Sharing is caring. Here are some things I ran across that I thought you might like.

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Juvenile: Tiny Desk Concert

Juve!! Tiny Desk has killed Black Music Appreciation Month and closes with Mr. 400 Degreez himself.

20:00 marks the greatest love song ever wrote and what you all came here for.

Watch the full concert here. [28 mins]

Source: NPR Tiny Desk

Japan’s ‘evaporated’ people: Inside an industry that helps people disappear

In Japan, as some 80,000 people go missing every year, according to data from the National Police Agency. Some are later found, but others vanish completely, becoming what’s described as an “evaporated person” or johatsu-sha. The phenomenon is common enough to have an entire industry built around it of specialists who can help you disappear in the night. In this SCMP Film, we go inside a neighbourhood that’s a powerful draw for those who want to stay hidden and meet a yonige-ya, or night mover, who braves stalkers, gangsters and knife-wielding exes to spirit his customers away to safety.

Watch the film here. [17 mins]

Source: South China Morning Post

Acquired: Lockheed Martin

Acquired is one of my go-to podcasts these days. They offer deep dives into iconic businesses giving intimate details on their history and what made them successful. This one about Lockeed Martin was particularly good.

You'll gain more perspective into the defense industry and why it costs so much now to make a single plane. Enjoy!

Watch the full video here (or wherever you listen to your podcasts).

Source: Acquired

Leave today better than yesterday ✌️.

Weekend listen:

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