Friday's Too Good Not to Share: 3.4.22

Every Friday, I share other great content (with some added context) to dive into over the weekend. These could be articles, podcasts, videos, Twitter threads, or other great newsletters.

In short, these are the most interesting of the interesting stuff I've come across.

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How Does This Ruler Trick Work?

This blew my mind 🤯 AND it's something you can do at home. Physics is fun, just watch it!

The Tragic Fall of Kanye West

F.D. Signifier is the YouTuber I never knew I needed. He dives deep into topics that are relevant to me and always presents a fresh perspective. I don't always agree but I always learn.

Insert his two-part series on the tragic fall of Kanye. Starting with Part 1, he breaks down and contextualizes just who Kanye was to so many people BEFORE he became the stalker character he is today.

I use the word character purposefully since J.D. Signifier introduces the concept of kayfabe + an amazing wrestling analogy to get his point across. You'll really enjoy his breakdown.

Watch the video here.

Art by Kenny Coil

Those who grew up with smartphones may find it difficult to imagine how life was in the 1970s. To put it into perspective, the internet was decades away from commercialization, and the dot com boom and “modern” technology were just beginning to bubble to the surface.

Nature was, therefore, a tremendous driving force behind the common visual themes of the 70s, including flowers, mushrooms, sunsets, and earthy browns, reds, yellows, and greens. Many of these trends are a continuation of popular elements of psychedelic 1960s designs. Still, many 70s styles have also come into their own through the emergence of 70s rock, pop culture, the growth of advertising, and the beginning of mass-produced media.

The 1970s saw graphic design using mixed media in various applications, including combining photography, typeface illustrations, and real people. Continue reading to learn more about the characteristics of 70s graphic design and get inspired to explore these retro design trends in your own design projects.

Leave today better than yesterday ✌️.

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