Conquering the Inner Obstacle to Achieving Greatness

In order to achieve greatness, all you need to do is outlast your doubt.

Greatness begins with a thought, idea, or vision of what might be. Often, this imagined future is grander and different from what you've experienced so far.

It's entirely natural for doubt to emerge, highlighting the impracticalities or realities of the situation.

At this juncture, many people either surrender to doubt or attempt to disregard it. When you surrender, you abandon your dream before truly giving it a chance. Conversely, when you disregard doubt, you press on without adequately considering or preparing for potential pitfalls - often to your detriment.

That's why I propose a change in approach: instead of succumbing to or disregarding doubt, aim to outlast it. To outlast doubt, acknowledge its presence and accept that it will accompany you on your journey. However, don't dismiss it, overlook it, or let it dictate your choices. Use doubt to inform your next steps. By focusing on outlasting doubt, you gather evidence to counteract its claims and strive to comprehend its origins and root assumptions. This way, you can directly address it with fresh experiences.

The journey to greatness is filled with obstacles, the foremost of which resides in our own mind: doubt. The key is to outlast it, and reap the benefits of doing something grander than you ever imagined.

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