Presence Not Presents This Christmas

Life is not guaranteed.

You feel that acutely when doctors avoid eye contact with you as they try to explain something using their most advanced medical terms because they can't bring themselves to say I don't know what's going to happen, it doesn't look good, and we're looking at a scenario where the odds of a good outcome are less than 50/50.

2022 has been beautifully hard.

But alas, we are here winding down the last week of the year and an important milestone: baby’s first Christmas.

I  didn’t really have anything on my list this year because I already have all that I  need. Baby and wife are here with me and I, with them.

I know for a fact that they both get the best version of me each day. Sure, I fall short in moments, but what makes this version of me different is that I am aware and can accept that truth. I don't need to be perfect to be deserving of their love. They just want me to be present and for me to be more of... well, me (and vice versa for them).

So this Christmas is about giving the gift of presence, not presents. Being there, being aware, and being fully me in the moment. That's the greatest gift you could ever give or receive today.

Merry Christmas! 🎁🎄

P.S. Everyone is still getting presents. I didn't get out of that part just yet – let's see what 2023 holds lol.

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