Vegans vs. Vegetarians Analogy

I apologize in advance if I offend anyone. Also, note that I’m trying to illustrate a viewpoint for dialogue.

Caveats aside, here is how I viewed the debates so far.

I think I can better understand Trump supporters through the lens of vegans vs. vegetarians.

If you give a vegetarian who is on the brink of death from starvation two options for food, one being beef and the other being horse manure, they’ll begrudgingly eat the beef.

If you give a vegan in that same situation those same two options, they would choose the horse manure or decide to starve.

The difference is not in the logic or smarts of the vegan. It’s a matter of principles and morals for them. You could give them a plant based burger with egg products in it vs. the horse manure and they would still object to the plant-based burger.

Trump supporters are the vegans of the vegetarian (conservative) party. They view beef (liberals) as bad for your health (morals) and for the environment (the market).

So when I look at the debates, I look to see if the Democratic side will be able to appeal to the vegetarians. They never had a chance with the vegans.

This analogy when applied to the Democratic side still applies but it is a much easier choice for them. Liberals are starved meat eaters and are being offered the options of fish (centrism) vs. horse manure.

They’re choosing the fish every time, even those who really only love beef (democratic socialism).