(Tuesday) Motivation: 12.27.22

Sometimes in life we feel like the court jester. We perpetually find ourselves in midst of a juggling act.

Given that we must continuously toss things up in the air to handle everything that is required of us, a ball or two is inevitably going to fall at some point.

The good thing is that you often get to decide which ball to drop. When making this determination, it is important to know the difference between crystal balls versus rubber balls.

Crystal balls once broken shatter. It's mess that you have to stop everything else to clean up. When crystal balls break, you break and the show has to be put on pause. You should never compromise on ensuring crystal balls get your full attention and reduce any risk associated with dropping them as much as possible.

Rubber balls are things that when dropped, bounce back. No harm, no foul. You can catch them on the bounce or kick them to the side if necessary. You don't want to get in the habit of dropping any balls though so you must to learn to juggle less so that you can keep our full attention on what is in front of you. However, if you must drop something, let it be those things that you can quickly recover from or that won't stop the show.

Know what you can drop when you get overwhelmed and work to hand off (delegate) some of the things you are juggling early.

The difference between dropping a rubber ball vs. a crystal ball is the difference between continuing or stopping the entire show.