Moving Goalposts

Why does what we want most always seem just out of reach?

I was talking with a friend recently and they mentioned how it feels that the goalposts keep moving on them. After they explained what's been happening to them, I pointed out a hard truth from their situation:

  1. The goalposts ARE in fact changing.
  2. You're the one moving them.

What feels like moving goalposts are actually slight shifts in our own desires. We've added to the criteria of reaching the goal in some way. We require ourselves to do a little more or start chase something a little different right as we are on the cusp of reaching it.

You can combat this Moving Goalposts Syndrome this by doing three things:

  1. Writing down your goal and making it as concrete (and quantifiable) as possible.
  2. Measuring your progress toward said goal at a specified time interval (i.e. daily, weekly, quarterly, etc.).
  3. Choosing to focus on one goal at a time before moving on to the next one.

Stay focused on your original goal and make the main thing the main thing until it's done.

Reach the goalpost first, THEN move it. 🧮