The Waiting Game

In the U.S., we are all awaiting the final verdict of the general election.

The close race was always possibility, though many felt it was improbable and were hoping for a more decisive outcome.

Here’s what we do know at this point: the race comes down to Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia.

If Biden wins any of these, he’s the likely winner. Trump needs to sweep these to win.

Here’s the Associated Press map as of 10:08 am EST.

Of note, this election has seen the highest voter turnout in 100 years. About 2/3 of all eligible voters have cast a ballot in this election. That is progress and something that I hope we continue to see moving forward.

What this also says is that the current administration still has a lot of support amongst the general populace, despite its shortcomings.

So why is this the case?

It’s a matter of feelings over merit. This is going to be explored in detail a lot over the next few weeks so buckle up for a ton of think pieces and sound bites.

For now, we’ll wait and see. Every vote must be counted so we’re in for a ride over the next couple of days.