The Waiting Game - Part 2

Some interesting things I’ve found as we play the waiting game.

First, a reminder that you’ll maps with lots of red on it. I also say look at the maps of population density in the US. That’ll give you a clearer understanding of what we’re seeing.

Secondly, the electoral college is a thing that we’ll be discussing for the foreseeable future until it’s amended or abolished (note - this isn’t a new phenomenon and has been called for previously in American history).

Thirdly, expect to hear updates this afternoon (~3 pm EST) from the key states of Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania.

Updates as of 10 am EST to keep an eye on in a good Twitter thread:

Lastly, Georgia is going to be a major focus from now until Jan. 5th. They are probably going to have two runoffs that may ultimately decide who has control of the Senate for the next Administration. This will be big.