The Most Valuable Currency of All-Time

Spoiler alert: It’s not the U.S. dollar, British Pound or gold bullion.

The most valuable currency of all-time is attention.

Attention is cheap at the micro-level but exponentially valuable at scale. People will trade time for money, but they will give their life for attention.

This plays out in a variety of ways in today’s society. It is why so many people are obsessed with social media, reading the news, or reality tv.

The world revolves around it.

Attention is usually labeled as media, branding, religion, entertainment, tourism, or retail. All of these demand your attention and make it a priority to get the most of it. Sometimes these things feed your soul, other times they rob you of it.

The basis of all relationships is attention.

There is no love without it. Trust does not exist if attention isn’t there. It is also the core piece of camaraderie and communication. You pay for your relationships with attention (or lack thereof).

Here’s the good news.

Everyone gets the same amount of attention to use as there are only 24 hours in a day for all of us. You get to decide, every single day, how to spend and invest your attention.

Spend it wisely. Invest it in things that matter.