The Best New Year's Resolution I've Heard So Far

At the start of a new year, many of us make promises to ourselves about what we hope to achieve. These "resolutions" have varying degrees of importance in our lives but I've made a habit of creating them and listening to the ones my friends and family create.

My friend Vid had a resolution so good, I wished I had thought of it myself.

His goal: Spend 1,000 hours outdoors.

My mind immediately went into overdrive trying to figure out how this would work. To achieve this, he'd need to average 2-3 hours everyday (or roughly 1 day per week) outdoors.

I thought this was a good resolution because it was novel, measurable, and a big challenge. I can't commit to the 1,000 hours myself, however, I can use it as inspiration since the value of getting outside is well established.

I've adopted a (much) smaller goal of spending 100 hours outdoors this year. For me, this translates to spending about 2 hours per week outside. This feels like a right-sized challenge for me to start.

I also need a good way to track my outdoor time in the aggregate.

Sadly, the Apple fitness app doesn't let you look at your summaries over a given time period by workout types (smh). Ping me if you know of a good way to do this.

So, that's one of my new goals this year. If you needed something to go after this year for a resolution, adopt this #OutdoorsChallenge at the right level for you.