Monday Motivation: The First of 2022

What awaits you this new year?

Though I'm no psychic, I can predict the following for you with 100% accuracy:

  • Something good will happen.
  • Something bad will happen.
  • Something unexpected will happen.
  • Something predictable will happen.

Given these truths about the year, here's what you should do about each:

  • For the good. Be expectant and grateful. Know that it is on the way and you deserve every bit of it. Orient your daily habits to create more opportunities for the good and wait on it.
  • For the bad. Be open and create space. The bad sucks, but we can't avoid it or block it. Though we know the bad will happen, we cannot let the idea of it stop us from being expectant and grateful for the good that is to come.
  • For the unexpected. Be opportunistic. You can't predict the future but you can turn anything that happens to you into your advantage. The unknown is opportunity awaiting a name.
  • For the predictable. Be prepared. If you know that something will come to pass, figure out a way to invest around it or in it. Do not get caught flat-footed in a situation you have anticipated to happen.

Today is not just any another day. It's the first of many wondrous, new beginnings this year. 🧮