Save the Date: May 3rd Founders of Color Showcase – Opportunity to Nominate Companies

I am excited to announce that on May 3rd I will be co-hosting the second annual Founders of Color Showcase to provide visibility to incredible companies led by founders of color across the country. This event will also provide a syndication platform for them to raise capital and is done in partnership with Next Wave Impact.

Less than 5% of venture capital in the US goes to companies with female, Black and Latino CEOs – we believe that together we can mobilize our networks to change that.

We are looking for like-minded company champions, sponsors, and investors that share our investment thesis of investing in underrepresented entrepreneurs that are driving social impact.

We have three asks:

1-    Be a “Company Champion” by nominating a company that is currently fundraising and  your fund / angel group has invested a minimum of $100k in their current round ($50k in special cases) – see eligibility requirements here.  Nominations are due by March 15 – just complete this short nomination form.

2-    Be a Sponsor – there are various sponsorship levels available – publicity for your organization will help keep the costs of the special purpose vehicles lower, decreasing the barrier to entry.

3-    Share this opportunity with your network of accredited investors – the more investors that attend the showcase, the more capital that will flow to these companies. The goal is that funds and angel groups will make large investments, and we will set up SPVs so individuals can invest a minimum of $5,000 in the company (or companies) of their choosing. This past year has raised awareness about the inequities in the US – this is a tangible opportunity for individuals to help drive positive change by starting to chip away at the incredibly uneven economic playing field for these entrepreneurs, and get more investors in the ecosystem.

In 2020, the first showcase helped to mobilize millions of dollars of investment, including nearly $1M of investment into five companies through special purpose vehicles (SPVs).  With more than 200 registered investors, it was great exposure for ten founders of color who pitched and all 20 of the semi-finalists.

Please read here for additional details and eligibility requirements for the 2021 showcase.

I hope you join us in supporting these underrepresented entrepreneurs and changing the future of investing!