(Saturday)'s Too Good Not To Share: January 16, 2021

Normally, every Friday, I share other great content (with some added context) to dive into over the weekend.

I’m a day late, but still want to deliver some good things to dive into over the long weekend.

Without further ado…

Black Farmers Have Been Robbed of Land. A New Bill Would Give Them a “Quantum Leap” Toward Justice.

This bill is long overdue and I hope it gets passed. From the article:

The 19th century’s great land transfers, which generated trillions of dollars in wealth for beneficiaries and their heirs, “effectively precluded African Americans from participating,” said Thomas Mitchell, a law professor at Texas A&M and 2020 MacArthur fellow, who participated in the bill’s drafting. Meanwhile, the near-complete wipeout of Black farmland ownership since the early 20th century—drivenlargelyby racist federal and state policies—represents a transfer of wealth from Black to primarily white Americans “conservatively” worth $300 billion, Thomas added. That handover contributes to a persistent racial wealth gap—today, the median white family is 12 times wealthier than its Black counterpart.

Read more at Mother Jones.

Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years

I think we have a problem…

Our national debt has reached immense levels relative to our economy, nearly as high as it was at the end of World War II. But unlike 75 years ago, the massive financial overhang from Medicare and Social Security will make it dramatically more difficult to dig ourselves out of the debt ditch.

Take a deeper look at ProPublica.

Les Twins | FRONTROW | World of Dance 2014 #WODHI

I got into a YouTube rabbit hole recently and dove deep into dance battles (the things we do at 3 am). The best one I ran across was from the Les Twins. You may recognize them from their work with Beyonce.

Take a moment to pick up some new dance moves via YouTube.

Leave today better than yesterday ✌️.