Recorded Conversations: Flavors of Black Part 2

In part 2 of this series, we’re following up on our first conversation which spoke to differences in Black cultures within America. It breaks different groups that are part of the Black coalition into different groups:

  • Native Blacks (decedents of slaves)
  • Immigrants (African, Caribbean, etc.)
  • Afro-Latinos
  • Mixed Race
  • Religion (Christan, Muslim, Other)
  • Etc.

It’s beautiful to think about the vast diversity within the Black culture.

In part 2, we look at this same diversity throughout the Continent (Africa).


About Framed Perspective: Recorded Conversations

These recorded conversations started as a way to explore the idea of what does it mean to be Black in 2020. The conversations are meant to explore this topic connecting pre-slavery history with all that has happened throughout the diaspora up to present day. The hope is that these conversations will spark deeper dives into these topics both for us the hosts and the listeners. Recorded Conversations is hosted by Duane Rollins, a Native Black (descendant of slaves) and Victor Udoewa, a descent of Nigerian immigrants.